Sports and Recreation

Half Dome

Half Dome

The image of Half Dome, an iconic landmark of Yosemite National Park in California, is displayed on the Macintosh computer screens in Bata Library at Trent University. Passing these computers now, I’m taken back to a year ago when I first entered the library. It was early September 2015 and I was just beginning my Master of Arts Degree in English.

I’ve always used PC computers and I was surprised when I saw Half Dome glowing on the Macintosh screens. But it wasn’t my ignorance of this detail that made me acutely aware of the desktop background.

Two weeks before school started, I had stood at the very top of that iconic peak, perched out on an overhang with my arms triumphantly raised in the air...

From College to Kokopelli

From College to Kokopelli

As part of Algonquin College’s (Ontario, Canada) Outdoor Adventure Program, students are introduced to all things adventure related – the kinds of activities everyone wants to try but often never get around to. I often describe the program as a shotgun experience with variety of different activities, giving us the skills to decide what we want to specialize in the future. The 2-year program ends with a culminating project or advanced expedition, a chance for the students to venture out on their own expedition style trip to truly test what was learned both in and outside of class.

I came into the program with a university degree from Trent University, a keen interest in road cycling, and no idea that bikepacking even existed...

Finding Myself Again

Finding Myself Again

My bike wasn't too happy when I took it out for the first time this year. It had lots of kinks to work out after an idle winter. My pack wasn't too happy either, as I splattered mud on just about every inch of everything. My body can't be left off this list. My shoulders felt the weight of my body leaning against the handle bars. My lungs felt the burn of cold spring air.  My legs were screaming bloody murder and my creaky hips knew that they were moving...

Getting up

Getting up

I am far from an adrenalin junky. Yet diving a 15 square metre kite into the power zone of the wind and being lifted like a leaf is a rush I can't resist. I’d tried kiteboarding before on a previous vacation but never managed to get up on the board. I felt that I had to get up on the board this trip or I would have to abandon this dream...